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Steep Turns (Private Pilot)

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

A steep turn is a maneuver in which an aircraft makes a 360-degree turn in a relatively short amount of time and with a steep bank angle. In order to perform a steep turn to the standards set by the FAA's Airman Certification Standards (ACS), you must follow these steps:

  1. Prepare for the maneuver: Before starting the steep turn, make sure you're flying at a safe altitude, have a clear area in front of you, and have your seat belt fastened. Make sure you understand the basic principles of how a steep turn is performed.

  2. Choose a reference point: Pick a visual reference point on the ground, such as a building or a tree, to help you track your progress during the maneuver.

  3. Establish the entry: Start by establishing the aircraft in level flight, then turn towards the reference point and begin the climb by pulling back on the yoke. Once you've reached a 45-degree bank angle, reduce the pitch attitude to maintain a constant altitude.

  4. Maintain altitude and bank angle: Keep the altitude constant while you continue to turn, using the ailerons to maintain the 45-degree bank angle. Use your reference point to keep track of your progress.

  5. Exit the maneuver: Once you've completed the 360-degree turn, level the wings and return to level flight.

It's important to remember that the steep turn is a performance maneuver and must be performed with precision in order to meet the ACS standards. You should practice the maneuver regularly with your instructor to build confidence and proficiency, and make sure you understand the principles and techniques involved.



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